Buy TRON with a credit card

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Buy Tron (TRX) with credit card or debit card

How to buy Tron on

Welcome to In this section, we describe how to purchase Tron on our platform. For your convenience, we've simplified the steps you need to follow. Here's how to buy Tron:

  • Start by heading over to the transaction dashboard
  • Add the amount of TRX you want to buy or fiat you want to spend
  • Choose your payment method; we support credit/debit cards and bank transfers
  • Start a new transaction and follow the steps to complete your payment

Buy Tron with credit card — most convenient option

The easiest way to buy crypto is by using your credit card. On, you can buy Tron with credit card by selecting it as your payment method from the available options. The transaction steps are described in the preceding section.

Note that first-time orders require a verified account. If this is your first transaction, you need to pass a KYC check before proceeding. This is a one-time process, after which you'll be able to buy Tron with credit card instantly.

No credit card? Buy Tron with debit card instead also accepts debit cards (Visa & Mastercard). These can be used as your go-to payment option when buying TRX. To buy Tron with a debit card, simply select the payment method in the panel and follow the same transaction steps outlined above.

After adding your card's details, you'll have the option to save the card's details to use it again in future transactions. By doing so, you will be able to buy Tron with debit card instantly.

Is it still a good idea to buy TRX?

Tron first launched in 2017 and is a top-10 cryptocurrency by marketcap. It is one of the few coins that utilized an Asia-focused growth strategy, engaging in heavy promotion of its founder, Justin Sun.

Despite the occasional criticisms, Sun acquired BitTorrent and cryptocurrency exchange Poloniex. He also went on to launch additional tokens on the Tron network. While these facts are not a reason to buy Tron instantly, many believe that they add a more positive sentiment around TRX.


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