Buy Polkadot with a credit card

Polkadot price (24h)



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The easiest way to buy Polkadot (DOT)

Buy Polkadot with credit card in just a few steps

To buy Polkadot, head back to the top of the page, enter the amount you wish to buy, select "Credit Card" as your preferred payment method, and start a new transaction. After your transaction takes place, you will receive the coins in a wallet tied to your account.

New accounts will need to go through a KYC check before completing the order. This is required during your first transaction, in order to buy Polkadot with credit card instantly. Verification is mandatory for security purposes and helps you use to its full potential.

Why credit cards are a great way to buy DOT

Aside from helping you buy Polkadot instantly, credit cards are a great way to benefit from volatile market conditions. You can easily deploy capital when the price of DOT fluctuates to the downside, and sell during its subsequent recovery.

As mentioned above, to use our platform to its full potential, you'll need to pass ID verification. Verified accounts are able to save credit card details to make future transactions even faster. By doing so, you can instantly buy Polkadot with a credit card at any time!

Choosing to buy Polkadot with a debit card instead

If you'd rather pick another payment option, you can opt for debit cards instead. With, you can buy Polkadot with a debit card by following the same steps described above. At this moment, we support Visa and Mastercard.

Scroll up to make a new transaction, and the amount you wish to buy, and buy DOT with a debit card. Similar to credit cards, you have the option to save your card details, which helps you buy Polkadot with a debit card instantly in following transactions.

How to buy Polkadot with alternative methods

Currently, you can buy DOT through credit/debit card transactions and direct bank deposits. The transaction process is similar with any of the options, but bank transfers might take longer to settle due to the processing times of your banking partner (1-2 working days).

Now that you know how to purchase Polkadot, also have a look at the frequently asked questions section below. If you still have questions after that, our support agents are always available.


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